Kozhikode rural police have done many outstanding performances in the year 2023. We have successfully tackled different complicated Law & order issues and completed the investigation of many challenging cases reported in the district. some important incidents and  cases are as follows

1. Thottilpalam police had done outstanding performance in arresting the accused  in crime no:211/2023 u/s 174 CrPC altered in to 302 IPC (Kadeesa murder case)

2.Thamarassery police had done out standing performance in arresting the accused in crime no : 257/2023 u/s 57 of KP Act altered in to Sec 376A, 506(II), 302 IPC (Leela Murder case).

3.Koyilandy police had done out standing perfromance in arresting the accused in crime no:325/2023 u/s 174 CrPC altered in to 307 ,302 IPC (Ahammed Hassan Rifayis murder case)



Last updated on Thursday 4th of January 2024 PM